Main Goal

This retreat is for all your ministry members and is meant to be given in an anual basis to renew a sense of community among each other and with God. 



Participants will re-encounter their calling in Christ through a retreat experience

that follows various movements of the Emmaus journey from Jerusalem to


music that will engage people of all different level of interests

opportunities for everyone to listen to each other with open hearts and


participants contextualize and relate their stories and experiences with

Christ’s teachings, ministry, and mission.

leading participants to slowly open the doors of their hearts and minds to

the experience, to each other, but most importantly to Christ. The retreat

will also offer moments for the Holy Spirit to take action and prepare the

hearts of the participants using dynamic prayer experiences, moments of

worship, the Divine Mercy Chaplet sung, and other prayer moments using

symbolisms and candles.

participants will encounter the living Christ in the celebration of the

Eucharist. They will come to realizing that Christ is alive and among us,

thus, we must run to Jerusalem and announce the Good News with joy.

Missionary Disciples of Christ for answering the call. This could be done

together with the pastor if possible.

Schedule of Sessions

One Day: 

Two Day: 

Donation Fee Suggestion for One-Day Re-Encuentro

Base Donation Guide:

Possible Extra Costs: 

Base Suggested Donation Fee:
For Re-Encuentro One-Day

$ 450

*** This is suggested donation fee, but we are willing to work with your budget

*** This base fee does not include gas and hotel expenses.  

Donation Fee Suggestion for Two-Day Re-Encuentro

Base Donation Guide:

Possible Extra Costs: 

Base Suggested Donation Fee:
For Re-Encuentro One-Day

$ 850

*** This is suggested donation fee, but we are willing to work with your budget

*** This base fee does not include gas and hotel expenses.